Online Workouts


For more information on the Online Workouts Subscription, go here:  Online Subscription

Register & Pay

Before you can be granted access to the Online Workouts you need to register here:  Online Registration 

These will be monthly recurring payments of $15 ($14.29 plus GST).  

If you prepay for a year's subscription (12 months) you receive a 15% discount, so total would be $153.

If paying with credit card (VISA or Mastercard), monthly or yearly, go to the Credit Card Payments page

Or you may pay for a year's subscription (12 months) using e-transfer, cash, or cheque.

The Workouts

Once subscribed, paid, and given access, you can find the workouts here:  Online Workouts (Subscription)

(You can also access the workouts from the link on the home page.)

 Contact:  -or-  306-230-0718